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of selected articles. |
Pastoral Now: A group of 12 gouaches alongside texts by Jed Perl, published in Revel,
a poetry magazine,
Winter 2025 issue
Peter Campion, catalogue essay for the exhibition “The Seasons” at Rider University Gallery,
March 2015
Rebecca Allan, “The Velocity of Vision: Deborah Rosenthal’s Geography” on,
June 9, 2015
John Goodrich, "Singular Journeys: Rosenthal’s Transcendental Landscapes," CityArts,
February 22, 2012
John Goodrich, Review of "Nature Is the Teacher," the Painting Center (reproduction),, March 9, 2011
Menachem Wecker, "Feminist Trends," The Jewish Week, May 13, 2009
Lance Esplund, "The Art World Embraces the Wow Factor," The New York Sun,
August 28, 2008
Douglas Crase, essay for brochure for "Lovers/Orion" exhibition, 2008
Peter Campion, "About Borromini", Review of exhibition,, 2007
Lance Esplund, “Abstract Poetry On 25th Street”, The New York Sun, March 1, 2007
Maureen Mullarkey, Review of group show, The New York Sun, December 7, 2006
Lance Esplund, “On the Sacred and the Banal”, The New York Sun, December 14, 2006
Lance Esplund, “Lance Esplund Gets Some Love”, Modern Painters, Autumn 2004
Lance Esplund, "Deborah Rosenthal at Bowery", Art in America, January 2003
Mark Stevens, commentary on Deborah Rosenthal in “Religion and Ethics Newsweekly”,
PBS segment aired nationally June, 2001
Lance Esplund, “New York Letter”, Modern Painters, Autumn 2001
David Cohen, “Ruskin”, Modern Painters, Spring 2000
Edward J. Sozanski, Review of exhibition, The Philadelphia Inquirer, February 4, 2000
Grace Glueck, Review of exhibition, The New York Times, June 18, 1999
The New Yorker, “Goings On About Town, March 22, 1999
Lance Esplund, “New York Letter”, Modern Painters, Summer 1999
Lawrence Campbell, Review of exhibition, Art in America, September, 1994
Daniel Riccuito, Review of exhibition, Modern Painters, Winter 1994
The New Yorker, “Gallery Notes”, February 21, 1993
Jeffrey Schaire, “Editor’s Note: My Collection”, Art and Antiques, September, 1992
Peggy Cyphers, Review of exhibition, Arts, May, 1992
Jed Perl, “Autun and Back,” Art and Antiques, May, 1989
Vered Lieb, Review of exhibition, Arts, February, 1986 |